How to Earn Money Online in Nepal?

Earn Money Online

When I grew up I realized that earning money is not big of a deal. All you need is a vision and a different way of thinking then you can earn tons of money in Nepal by sitting at home. Don’t worry this is going to be your one and only guide for the next five years to earn money online.

While there are some videos and blogs that may misinterpret you, theblogbyte is here to provide you correct information about top online jobs in Nepal.

There are plenty of blogs which will tell you that you can earn money from the internet in Nepal by watching ads or surveys. All of that is just a hoax and even if you earn money from those sites the earning is going to be very low.

We will give some ways to earn real money from the Internet but it completely depends upon you how much you can scale up your work.

If you can do well in online work, earning millions is as easy as walking in the park. But nothing is going to happen overnight and you will need to work hard as well as have some patience.

If you landed up here thinking that you can earn some cash without doing anything then you are in the wrong path.

There is struggle in everything but I can assure you that these online jobs can pay you much higher than the monthly salary of Nepal’s prime minister. And I mean it.

6 ways to earn money online in Nepal:

Writing this blog was quite easy for me as I didn’t have to research about ways to earn money in Nepal because I myself have tried these steps and succeeded in them.

From only this site, I am able to collect more than Rs.2,00,000 per month. And this income is just the initial salary.

The earning will increase with the popularity of this site. So if an 18 year old guy like me can print cash by using an internet and a laptop then you can also make a bundle.

  1. Youtube
  2. Facebook 
  3. Instagram
  4. Blogging
  5. Freelancing
  6. Affiliate marketing

1) Youtube

Make Money With Youtube
Image Source: Youtube

It’s not hidden that you can earn plenty of cash by uploading videos and monetizing them. Currently, Youtube is the most effective and safe way to fill your pockets.

The reason I am saying this is because you neither need money nor talent for starting the career on youtube.

While there are some talented youtubers, you will also see people like Saroj Tamang, Hindustani Bhau, KRK or prank and reaction channels who are literally doing nothing and still making a fortune.

There are many Youtubers in Nepal who saw success through this platform and you can also be one of them if you start making good content.

It’s a perfect place if you don’t want to work hard for hours and still want to make money. All you need to do is upload a video suitable for the subscribers then sit back and enjoy the money.

Even when you don’t upload videos for years, you will still earn tons of money from old videos. This is what makes youtube a great asset.

Also Read: How to earn money from Youtube in Nepal 2022?

2) Facebook

Make Money With Facebook
Image Source: Facebook

You will be surprised to see Facebook on this list. Yes you can make money from Facebook. In fact, facebook videos will pay you more money than youtube.

But among 50 million pages on Facebook, 40% of pages couldn’t make any money. The ratio is even less in Nepal as only about 2% of the pages are able to earn some cash.

But hey! you still got some chance. One advantage in Facebook is that you can upload the same video again and again and the video can still be monetized.

But in case of Youtube, it doesn’t let you upload the same video in the same channel for more than once. The major reason why I prefer Facebook over Youtube is because the chances of your content getting viral or gaining views is more in facebook.

The reason for this is internal sharing. Meaning, when someone likes your post they can easily share it on their timeline and their followers may also share the content.

This way it’ll create a chain which will increase post views and engagement.

3) Instagram

Make Money With Instagram
Image source: Google Play

Unlike Facebook and Youtube, Instagram will not pay you money for uploading a video or a post.

We hear all the time on news that Christiano Ronaldo is paid around $466,100 – $776,833 per post or Virat Kohli charges 1.5 to 2 crores for a post.

But they don’t get paid for uploading their pictures, they are given a huge amount to promote a product/brand.

So Instagram is basically a place where you will need to have huge followers and engagements and only then brands will come to you and you can start earning money from Instagram.

Instagram is somewhat like Youtube, what i mean by this is that you need to have a specific content even in the former.

First thing that you will need to do is find a niche and have good knowledge about it. Let’s suppose you choose a makeup niche.

Now your posts should be focused only on makeup and with a proper hashtag your chances of getting more followers will increase.

If you choose to review a laptop on your account, which is not your niche, then it may lead to a drop in your followers count.

4) Blogging

Make Money With Blogging
Image Source: Dummies

According to me, blogging is the most underrated thing in Nepal. Many nepalese have no idea that blogging is also a profession and one can make a living out of it.

Blogging is writing information or personal experience about a topic. Although there is a lot of money in this field, it takes several months or even a year to finally gain some revenue.

Most of the bloggers leave in the middle way because of the same reason. They come with an expectation to earn money overnight and when the reality comes out they get discouraged.

The basic way how a blogger earns is through the Google Adsense program.

The earning depends upon page views. If you ask how much page views are required to earn money, I’d say with even 1000 views a month you can make a maximum of $100.

If somehow you are able to get 100k page views in a month, then you may be paid around $1,000 – $10,000.

The highest paid blogger in the world 2020 is “Moz” and his annual salary is $44.9 million. Similarly the popular blogging site in Nepal, , is worth $ 34,358 USD. Now you can imagine how profitable the blogging can be.

5) Freelancing

Make Money With Freelancing
Image Source: Techteek

A person who works on his/her own terms and conditions and is not in contract with a single employer is called a freelancer.

If you are good in something like writing, webpage designing, programming, music, translating, app and game development, blogging, editing then you can be employed as a freelancer.

There are various platforms where a Nepalese freelancer can work and make money then safely transfer it to their account. Freelancing in Nepal is easy and one of my favorite and trusted sites is

I remember making $3.99 for working an hour and later using it for buying a product online.

One condition for being a freelancer is that you will need to have good knowledge about something, else how will an employer hire you?

As a freelancer you can work both as a part timer or full timer and can negotiate how much you want to be paid for that time.

Apart from that, the fact that there is no age limit for being a  freelancer, it is the best way to earn money without physically going somewhere.

Some of the highest paid freelance jobs are Software Developer, Professor, PR Manager, Account Executive, Accountant etc.

6) Affiliate Marketing

Make Money With Affiliate Marketing
Image Source: Time and Update

When a person promotes a product through their social handles or sites and someone buys the product from that link then the individual will get a certain amount of commission for each sale, that is known as affiliate marketing.

You can find such links or recommendations of a product/brand in most of the blogs, youtube channels, facebook pages and instagram posts.

And affiliate marketing is one of the sources of income of these content creators. Various ecommerce sites have affiliate programs and you can be part of it by completing a few steps.

While Amazon is the mostly used e-commerce site for this program, you can choose to go with Daraz if you are from Nepal.

A blogger named Pat Flynn is the most successful affiliate marketer in the world. Most of his income comes from this job and he has made more than 3 million dollars from affiliate marketing business.


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About Sharad Raj Aryal

Sharadraj Aryal has been a writer since 2 years. His speciality is to write SEO articles for businesses that want to leap their website's google ranking. He provides content and article writing services. His educational background in Science and Computers has helped him in writing tech articles. His writing skills can be seen on, and

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