How to get green circle on Instagram? [ Complete Guide ]

green circle on instagram

Some stories have a colored gradient, while others display rainbows.

But in this case, the story you saw had an extra special decoration: The Green Circle! You’ll learn what it means and how to get your very own green ring on Instagram Stories too so that people will know there’s something different about whatever they’re seeing from yours truly (or them)!

If you saw a green circle on Instagram stories recently, you might be wondering what it means. The green ring/circle indicates that the person featured in the story is one of your close friends.

What does the green circle mean on Instagram?

The green circle on Instagram stories means that the person featured in the story is one of your close friends. You can add people to your close friend’s list by going to their profile and tapping on the three dots in the top right corner. From there, you’ll be able to select “Add to Close Friends.”

How to get a green circle on Instagram?

Having green circles on Instagram stories is a nice way of telling your close friends that you see them as someone very special. If you want to create a green circle on Instagram, read the instructions below.

1. Open the Instagram app and go to the profile page post story icon.

2. Select the green gradient icon.

3. New window will open the select friend’s option.

4. Choose the close friends option. (You can choose how many people) Then click the green button.  After done it will come back to the first menu bar, now select the next type of white gradient icon with a border green color. Your green line appears between user names in the first menu bar I mean a circle appears between names like other users have.

You’re all done! Now when you post a story, the green ring will show up next to the names of your close friends. Remember that you can only add people to your close friend’s list if they follow you back. So don’t add anyone who doesn’t follow you and then get upset when they don’t see your green circle!

What do the colors around Instagram stories mean?

The colors around Instagram stories can mean different things, depending on what color it is. Here are the meanings of some of the most common colors:

– Blue: The story was posted by someone you follow, but they’re not one of your close friends.

– White: The story was posted by one of your close friends.

– Green: The story was posted by one of your close friends and it’s a live video.

– Red: The story has been archived and is no longer available to view.

– Yellow: This means there is music playing in the Instagram story.

– No Color/Grey: The story was posted by someone you don’t follow or if it’s a text post.


How do I get rid of the green circle on my Instagram story?

You can’t currently get rid of the green circle. Instead, you should add people to your close friend’s list so they can see your green ring on Instagram stories! To add someone to your close friend’s list, go to their profile and tap on three dots in the top right corner. From there, select “Add to Close Friends.”


If you saw a green circle on Instagram stories recently, now you know what it means! The green ring/circle indicates that the person featured in the story is one of your close friends. You can add people to your close friend’s list by going to their profile and tapping on the three dots in the top right corner. From there, you’ll be able to select “Add to Close Friends.” So don’t be left out – add your close friends and enjoy watching their stories with the green ring!

Thank you for reading our article on what the green circle means on Instagram stories! If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below. We love hearing from our readers! Also, be sure to check out our other articles


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