How to Remove Frame From Facebook Profile Picture

remove frame from facebook profile picture

If you have a frame around your Facebook profile picture, you can remove it by following these steps:

1. Log in to Facebook and click on the Profile Picture button in the top-left corner of the screen.

2. Click on the Change Profile Picture button and select Upload a Photo.

3. Select the photo you want to use as your profile picture and click on the Choose File button.

4. Upload the photo and then hover over it until the Edit Profile Picture button appears. Click on it and then click on the Frame icon in the bottom-left corner of the photo editor.

5. Select No Frame from the list of options and then click on the Save Changes button.

6. Hover your cursor over the photo until the Save Profile Picture button appears. Click on it to save your changes.

Warning: You cannot undo this change, so be certain before you click on Save Profile Picture! If you do not need to use a picture as your profile picture, remove any existing profile picture first. This will also prevent you from being able to load an image as your profile picture again in the future if necessary.

To remove a profile picture, follow these steps:

1. Log in to Facebook and click on the Profile Picture button in the top-left corner of the screen.

2. Click on the Change Profile Picture button and select Remove This Profile Picture.

3. A confirmation message will appear. Click on the Remove Profile Picture button to confirm.

Profile pictures can also be cropped using the photo editor. To crop a profile picture, follow these steps:

1. Log in to Facebook and click on the Profile Picture button in the top-left corner of the screen.

2. Click on the Change Profile Picture button and select Upload a Photo.

3. Select the photo you want to use as your profile picture and click on the Choose File button.

4. Upload the photo and then hover over it until the Edit Profile Picture button appears. Click on it and then click on the Crop icon in the bottom-left corner of the photo editor.

5. Drag the corners of the cropping rectangle to select the area you want to keep. When you’re done, click on the Crop button in the top-left corner of the photo editor.

6. If you’re not happy with the results, you can try again by clicking on the Reset Crop button in the bottom-left corner of the photo editor.

7. When you’re satisfied with your crop, click on the Save Changes button.

Profile pictures have a maximum width of 180 pixels and a maximum height of 800 pixels. Your photo will be scaled down to fit in this space, so it may become distorted or appear blurry if you upload a picture with a resolution that is too high.

Warning: Make certain your profile picture looks good at the smaller size before you save the changes! Facebook only saves the crop when you click on Save Changes, not when you click on Done. If you do not like how it looks after cropping, just click on Cancel and then re-crop your photo again with what works best for your image.


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