CPR Classes in Tucson: Learn the 10 Steps of CPR

CPR can be the difference between life and death, whether it’s used on you or on someone else. That’s why it’s so important to learn the 10 steps of CPR and make sure that you’re ready in case you or someone else suffers from cardiac arrest. Fortunately, CPR classes are easy to come by if you live in Tucson, AZ, with several locations throughout the city offering both the coursework and actual practice sessions required to receive your certification card at the end of your class time.

Why learn CPR

It’s one thing to learn CPR—it’s another to be able to do it well. When there’s a cardiac arrest, every second counts and that makes knowing how to perform CPR a potentially life-saving skill. The good news is, like riding a bike or swimming, you never forget how to do CPR if you know how to do it right; all you need is a refresher and practice. Learning CPR is easy, especially with online instruction that comes with video examples and clear explanations of proper techniques.


CPR, or cardiopulmonary resuscitation, was developed by James Elam and Peter Safar, students at Johns Hopkins Hospital. In 1960 they introduced external chest compressions during cardiac arrest as a way to save lives. Over time their methods were improved upon by introducing airway control and rescue breaths and many other improvements that became standardized into the CPR training we know today. It’s important to note that it is not uncommon for people who are untrained to perform CPR improperly, causing further injury and even death for those being treated. We recommend taking professional CPR classes so you can learn to properly perform chest compressions with minimal risk of harm. Here are some top-rated CPR classes in Tucson

How it works

CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) is a lifesaving technique that should be performed after cardiac arrest to prevent mortality and brain injury. CPR for adults includes chest compressions and mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. As with any medical procedure, it’s important to learn CPR correctly. Professional training may be required to teach you how to perform CPR properly and safely.

The reason you need to know it

CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) is an emergency procedure that you should learn before you need it. Some locations host free CPR classes, and knowing how to perform CPR may mean saving a life. If you’re not sure where to start, call 911 and tell them what’s happening. They will let you know if there are any local classes available for citizens to take first-hand. Also, be aware that many workplaces will offer some sort of training or are required by law to do so; ask your employer or HR department if they have any information about CPR training offered by your company. Those can also be great places to start. In addition, visit our top sources section below for more information on how to get started with CPR classes in Tucson!

How often should you do it?

The American Heart Association recommends a two-pronged CPR strategy. You should know how to perform CPR and have an AED available; that way, if someone suffers cardiac arrest while you’re around, you can start CPR immediately (AEDs can take anywhere from five to 60 seconds to start up). People tend to think that if they’re not certified, they won’t be able to help in an emergency situation—that’s just not true, says Criqui. If you see someone collapse or fall down or pass out (and no one else is nearby), call 911 immediately and then start chest compressions until medical assistance arrives.

Chest compressions – what, why, where, when, how?

You can get certified for CPR classes through your local hospital or health department. But, if you’re on a tight schedule, online courses might be more convenient. Every year, between 350,000 and 400,000 people suffer cardiac arrest outside of a hospital setting. Only about 20 per cent survive—and many of those are left with permanent brain damage due to a lack of oxygen during their cardiac arrest. In order to avoid an unfortunate fate like that, sign up for CPR classes and learn how to do chest compressions (one step in a larger process called cardiopulmonary resuscitation)

Mouth-to-mouth breathing – what, why, where, when, how?

What is mouth-to-mouth breathing? This first step of CPR is mouth-to-mouth breathing, also known as external chest compressions. Mouth-to-mouth breathing refers to forcing air into a person’s lungs using your mouth. When done with proper technique, you can provide up to 2 oxygenated breaths per minute during CPR and help keep blood moving through a person’s body. This ensures that their brain receives oxygenated blood and improves their chances for survival following cardiac arrest by pumping blood through their hearts. One study found that rescuers who performed 30 chest compressions along with one rescue breath for every two seconds—or about 5 cycles per minute—had higher survival rates than those who did no compressions at all or less frequent cycles per minute.

Check for responsiveness before starting CPR

If you witness a cardiac arrest, check to see if there’s a pulse by feeling for a strong carotid pulse on either side of your victim’s neck. If you can’t feel a pulse, start CPR. Start by calling 911; don’t hang up to start CPR until help is en route and able to locate you based on your exact location information.

How long does each step take?

CPR has three stages, and each stage is broken down into several parts. The first stage of CPR is called pre-cordial chest compressions. These chest compressions consist of 30 press-and-release movements that should be performed at a rate of 100 per minute (about once every 2 seconds). After 30 press-and-release movements, you should perform ventilations. There are two types of ventilation methods: mouth to mouth and breathing from a bag.

Common misconceptions about CPR

You can learn CPR on your own: You can take an online course and print off a certification card, but that doesn’t mean you’re prepared to perform CPR on someone. Going through training is much more effective. The American Heart Association recommends hands-on training with a professional before you ever use CPR. Here are some common misconceptions about CPR that you should know to keep yourself safe during an emergency situation.


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