The Ultimate Fashion Statement of 18 to 24-Year-Olds

The Ultimate Fashion Statement of 18 to 24-Year-Olds

Hoodies – The Ultimate Fashion Statement of 18 to 24-Year-Olds

Hoodies! They have a long, somewhat difficult history in the United Kingdom. Its history in the UK is similar to what 18 to 24-year-olds have to go through with their parents during the long difficult years of teenagers. Hoodies are the symbol of teenage angst and a devil-may-care attitude.

What are Hoodies? Hoodies are pieces of versatile and comfortable clothing that are popular with the younger set, especially 18 to 24 years old. They are pullovers with a characteristic hood, thus, the term “hoodies.” Hoodies often have large frontal pockets and drawstrings to adjust the hood opening.

Hoodies: A History

You might not have noticed it, but hoodies date back to the Middle Ages as Catholic monks’ clothing. Look carefully at the monk’s garment and you will see similarities in design to the cowl. Cowls are the decorative hood that Catholic monks wear over their tunics or robes. The hoodie as it looks now was first worn by laborers in New York in the 1930s. These laborers work in frozen warehouses. Claire McCardell, the American fashion designer that introduced casual dressing to Americans, popularised the Gallery dept hoodie by designing entire collections based on the hoodie. The 1970s made the hoodie more popular than ever. The hip-hop culture that grew along New York streets loved the hoodie because of the anonymity that the hood brings. High fashion, such as Norma Kamali’s collections glamorized the Movies, such as Rocky, added to the popularity of the hoodie.

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Hoodies and their Popularity in the UK

Hoodies came to the shores of the UK when the hip-hop culture started to go mainstream. The hoodies’ popularity with 18 to 24-year-olds was unmistakable because of their promise of mystery, anonymity, and anxiety. A professor at Goldsmiths College in the UK, Angela McRobbie, said that the hoodie is part of the distancing of the 18 to 24-year-olds to the school uniform and the office suit. She said that the hoodie is a symbol of rebellion and works the same way as the leather jacket and bondage trousers in the past youth cultures. In May 2005, the hoodie gained notoriety when a Kent shopping center, Bluewater, banned hoodie wearers from their premises. When Prime Minister Tony Blair supported the anti-hoodie call, the public was outraged. Lady Sovereign, a London-based rapper, wrote the song “Hoodie” in protest. People joined the “Save the Hoodie” campaign especially since the cold winters of 2009 to 2010 forced people to wear hoodies to keep warm from the freezing temperatures.

Now, hoodies are back in the wardrobe of 18 to 24-year-olds. Because of their busy lifestyles, this age group loves the hoodie because it’s comfortable enough to wear to the gym. However, it is stylish enough to qualify for party wear, too. Add this to the fact that the wash-and-wear hoodie makes them easier to clean.

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How to Choose Perfect Cool Hoodies for Men

When buying cool hoodies for men, one always has the most overwhelming range of options. While considering the motive for wearing the hoodie can be an important aspect, making a fashion statement can also be the criterion. A consideration of comfort in the chilling whether with either a get a-zipped or pullover option is also important. Lastly, it is the fabric of choice that makes a hoodie interesting for the buyer. While design, fabric, fashionable look, and comfort arrangements are endless to offer a wide variety of choices in hoodies for men, selecting the right one needs a focus on your preference. Let us have a look at some of the common types of hoodies.

Universal hoodies

A classic hoodie which is nothing but a hooded sweater has a universal appeal. Though there have been a wide range of changes in hoodie design keeping in conformity with the evolution of style and fit, the universally accepted classic hooded design still retains its popularity. Typically, the classic design that makes a sweater turned into a hoodie by attaching a hood has been popular for ages.

Hoodie to make a fan following

Yes, there are hoodies with graphic design that portrays the rock star’s favorite lines or a bit of rap parody from a popular song or just an image of a hip-hop singer. These hoodies are fashionable, trendy and offer an attachment with famous personalities who have a huge fan following.

Hoodie to make a fashion statement

For making a general or distinct fashion statement complementing the elegance and personality of the person who wear it, hoodies offer an exceptional choice of garment. Hoodies have been attached with a typical rebel mood and this makes it a popular fashion garment option for youths. Whether to create an air of elegance or just to make a trendy air, there is no better dressing option than hoodies.

Hoodie is a great sportswear

Yes, for persons who have a knack for sports and sports gear, hoodies can be their ideal smart outfit whether in the practice sessions or out on the road with friends. A hoodie with sport themed design and rich colorful fabric and perfect contrast of hues can be great sport wear for players and fans alike.

Zipped and pullover hoodies

One of the prime considerations when buying a hoodie is whether it is a zipped hoodie or a traditional pullover hoodie. As far as usefulness is concerned both have their distinct ease of use and benefits. Zipped hoodies offer a more casual air and one can always wear it with zip open. This makes it more comfortable when the weather is not chilling and you can enjoy the fresh air a bit. But on the other hand, for covering the head with the hood they are a bit uncomfortable compared to pullover hoodies. Pullover hoodies offer better warmth and more comfort for covering the head with the attached hood. But when it comes to flexibility, it misses the ease of zipped hoodies as you cannot open up a little and enjoy fresh air when needed.


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