Getting married is more than simply a single-day function. As you are aware, hosting a wedding is an extensive affair that includes various pre-wedding functions, as well as a post-wedding celebration. As a result, the significant big day celebration requires months of planning and preparation. In this article, we reviewed the key pre-wedding functions that should be held.
The Engagement Party
Well, you know what it is! It is the one to celebrate the beginning of your commitment, the engagement. An engagement party falls under the pre-wedding functions held to praise the couple.
Why Does One Need an Engagement Party?
Indeed, a wedding in a family means a joyous season for all! Everyone is excited about the couple’s marriage and it is a long wait till the big day; therefore, this is the quickest way to celebrate the good news of the wedding announcement. The couple can exchange best engagement rings and make an official, formal announcement of the upcoming wedding to their family.
It is not a must to have a grand party. Some; who have a flexible budget tend to throw big engagement parties to make a loud announcement and mark it a huge celebration as the first step towards the journey of togetherness. While some, keep it sweet and simple, with a small celebration amongst immediate dear and near ones.
Usually, the party is hosted either by one of the families or both in share. The party is held a few months prior to the wedding date- 3 months prior is a good time to throw an engagement party.
What Is an Ideal Location to Host an Engagement Party?
This party can be held anywhere One can decide based on various factors, such as; depending on the size of guest lists, it can be held at home or even in a wedding hall or at a hotel. One could also hold it in special locations, such as hosting in a location that is linked with memory. For example, it could be a restaurant where the couple first met or at an outdoor park where they created memories.
Rehearsal Dinner
Do you rehearse to have dinner? Sort of- but not exactly. Jokes apart, this is an event, is a pre-wedding bash held closer to the wedding date. It is usually an intimate affair with immediate family members and friends. It is mostly a laid-back event and less stressful than the actual wedding day- more of a cozy and relaxing dinner before the wedding.
The highlight of this event is the speeches by relatives and friends in honor of the couple. This dinner get-together is more of a family time, to sit together and celebrate, which wouldn’t be possible on the wedding day due to a hectic schedule and huge guest lists. Therefore, it is to untangle the wedding stress and tiredness of sleepless nights in planning and preparing the wedding.
What Is an Ideal Location to Hold This Rehearsal Wedding?
The rehearsal dinners are usually held in a private space, such as family-spaced restaurants, hotel halls, ballrooms, farmhouses, or; outdoors, such as a garden.
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